Links & More
Use the filter box below to sort the links into any of the categories shown in the drop-down menu. Included in these categories are links to information for genealogists and history buffs alike as well as information on other nearby societies, groups, and resources.
Note: When you open a link (website) and then use that website to open additional links (websites), please remember to use the "X" at the top right of that website's page to close that link (website) . Not following these steps may lead to exiting from the historical society's website altogether.
Finally, credit for the vast majority of the content on this page goes to Marcine Lohman. Marcine was the long-serving webmaster for both the now defunct Iron County Genealogy Society and the Iron County Historical Society. Without her valuable insight and assistance our new website would not have become a reality, Thank you, Marcine!
Just a reminder: The Iron County Historical Society is not responsible for the content of any external internet websites to which we may provide links. Be sure to read the privacy policy for the website before disclosing any personal information. These websites or services have separate data and privacy practices independent of us, and therefore we hold no responsibility or liability for their policies or actions.
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From the Family Search Wiki, are "links, charts, and exercises will provide some helpful ways to help teach your children all about their current and extended family."
Last Updated: 16 December 2022
From Family Tree Magazine, "Working on a family tree project for school? Maybe you’ve heard a story about a Civil War soldier in your family, or you have the same last name as someone famous and want to find out if you’re related. You’ve come to the right place! You can learn how to become a “family detective” and dig up clues about your ancestry.
Parents and educators: Find advice for getting your kids involved in family history to help with homework and resources for lesson planning here, too!"
Last Updated: 16 December 2022